Bet Your Life!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thinking Truth

There are questions that come to mind when the words THINK or TRUTH are a topic for discussion.  At some point, in life, one wonders if the information that has been acquired is actually true.  In other words, have we ever learned how to true the data that is being presented to us by people and books that we are taught to believe?  In fact, can truth be acquired, or accomplished, if belief is a part of the equation that is being used to factor what is to be understood. You! That’s Right, You! The one who is reading this, look into a mirror, and then ask , have I ever known how to ask those questions that are critical if I desire to think for myself.  Is it important to ask, what is thinking?  Do you assume that you know?  If you are sure that you know how to think, then the question becomes, how did I learn to do what I am doing.  Maybe there was a class that you attended in school somewhere. Were you  told that thinking is a natural aspect of being alive?  Are there different dimensions of thinking? Have you ever looked up the word think or truth (true) in the dictionary?  If so, then,  in what way did you study the word? The average person,  when asked how to use a dictionary, finds the word then reads the definition.  Younger students, in most cases, have not been taught to distinguish context and in a great number of cases will utilize the wrong definition. In order to better comprehend words you may need to analyze the origin of the word or its original concept.

1 comment:

  1. Even I had to admit, that I just did not know. Do you recall a parent or a loved one saying, "If everyone else jumped off the cliff, would you do it just because everyone else did?" Well what if you actually doing that very thing, following the crowd in making assumptions, pretending and believing simply because it seems to be working for you and everyone else, besides how after all these years could I not know what it is to think.
