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Friday, March 28, 2014

Gifts From Nature

Turmeric is what gives curry its beautiful golden color. Health benefits include:

1. Digestion & the liver (Ulcers, diverticulitis, flatulence, leaky gut)
2. Heart heath (High blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol)
3. Immune support (Cancer, colds and flu, bronchitis)
4. Musculoskeletal strength & flexibility (Joint disorders, arthritis, pain)
5. Nervous system (Pain, Alzheimer's)
6. Wound healing and healthy skin (Eczema, psoriasis)
7. Diabetes and Menstruation difficulties

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thinking Truth III

In order for a person to truly experience and be cognizant of change, within one’s self, a great deal of study has to take place. The information that has to be studied is not going to be easy to find, and, if found, not easy to learn. How to know what information that is pertinent, to the quest for truth, is going to take time to learn. Strategies and methodologies must be learned before one can begin to recognize the how and the why. Now, at this time, in what is known as the Age of Aquarius or the age of intelligence, survival cannot be accomplished using old ways of thinking and or believing. The world, as it has been in the past, is no longer what it was, and also, the world is not the planet. Thinking of the world as the planet has caused serious thinking disorders and is going to cause even greater problems for the not yet born. And if, past thinking patterns are inserted into future generations then past problems are going to get worse. If the price of existence in the world has changed then the way a person thinks is also going to have to change. The older patterns of thinking that have been handed down by the public school systems, by closed minded parents, by misinformed clergy and so-called teachers of text book information is at this moment creating an atmosphere of all engulfing fear. Fear, especially when it is unrealized, is the emotion that begets worry, unhappiness, frustration, anxiousness, greed, envy, and will not allow the least bit of harmony. Harmony is a key factor in the equation if individuals are going to be able to create a future community. Only the coming together of intelligent individuals will provide them the power to create the secure environment that they will need in order to survive.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thinking Truth II

Extraordinary Thinkers are in the superior category, average thinkers fall into what is called the inferior. Those people who are taught to be average are programmed about what to think and how to think. Extraordinary thinkers, in most cases, have been educated to learn how to learn so that they will understand concepts and how conception is used to create ideas. Public education trains average thinkers to know almost nothing outside of what someone teaches or tells them. The ability for an original thought is never developed.  Please do not argue the exception because that is an argument that is taught to the average so that the work to become an extra-ordinary thinking PERSON will not take place.

Most people are programmed to be normal or average as a condition of life. When the very young first engage in the process of public education, they usually sense that something is wrong and they attempt at some point to rebel. By the time students move to the third grade
they are being introduced to inferior thinking patterns.

 Graduating to grades four and five, those children who are in the situation where they are forced to attend average schools have become or are becoming angry but in fact are not aware of what is actually going on in their lives relative to sense and emotion. Everyone, at this point, is born into a world that has already been constructed. Finding the contractors and developers of the premise can be quite an investment of time and energy. The average will not spend time in an effort to attempt to unravel the false truth that has come to be believed as the true foundation or premise. It is not that average people do not want to think or that they will not do the arduous work that is required to find truth. The truth and fact of the matter is that they have never had the opportunity to learn how to do what needs to be done. In the beginning, since the beginning is based on words, it is imperative that average people start the process of learning the methodologies, techniques and strategies that can aid in mental development whereas the ordinary become the extraordinary, powerful persons, that future generations must become if We are to survive into the future.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Thinking Truth

There are questions that come to mind when the words THINK or TRUTH are a topic for discussion.  At some point, in life, one wonders if the information that has been acquired is actually true.  In other words, have we ever learned how to true the data that is being presented to us by people and books that we are taught to believe?  In fact, can truth be acquired, or accomplished, if belief is a part of the equation that is being used to factor what is to be understood. You! That’s Right, You! The one who is reading this, look into a mirror, and then ask , have I ever known how to ask those questions that are critical if I desire to think for myself.  Is it important to ask, what is thinking?  Do you assume that you know?  If you are sure that you know how to think, then the question becomes, how did I learn to do what I am doing.  Maybe there was a class that you attended in school somewhere. Were you  told that thinking is a natural aspect of being alive?  Are there different dimensions of thinking? Have you ever looked up the word think or truth (true) in the dictionary?  If so, then,  in what way did you study the word? The average person,  when asked how to use a dictionary, finds the word then reads the definition.  Younger students, in most cases, have not been taught to distinguish context and in a great number of cases will utilize the wrong definition. In order to better comprehend words you may need to analyze the origin of the word or its original concept.