What is Freedom?
Recently, I had the opportunity to enter into a discussion
about the subject of freedom. After hearing
what Norom (the person that I was speaking with), had to say about the
condition that is known as being free, I quickly realized, that, this American,
does not have a clue as to what freedom might possibly be. While thinking about what Norom, was saying,
it dawned on me that this may be a subject that needs investigating.
For most of my life, I have heard people say
things like: "I live in a free country" or, "this,
(America) is a free country", on
and on. I am thinking that maybe an
interactive dialog about what some of us think freedom actually is, could be
quite interesting. In other words,
questions like: where did we acquire our ideas about freedom . Is the data that we have, true or false, is
it (the data), based on belief or knowledge?
If you are interested in this discussion please leave a comment.
Adisa said :
ReplyDeleteThe first time that I can remember hearing about freedom, was regarding Abraham Lincoln freeing some so called slaves. It, being freedom, was never explained beyond that. I recall hearing my father say that nothing in life is free. People were always saying things, such as, the best things in life are free and that this is the land of the free etc. No one ever asked me what I thought being free is or what the word means. The folks, that I was around thought the same way as I did, we just accepted the concept of freedom, as it was explained to us. We learned to think the thoughts of other people. We were taught to think, “ this is the way it is, and/or supposed to be. You are correct in regards to the etymological research of the words free and/or freedom, it is like trying to find the beginning of a spider's web. I'm not sure if being free can be completely described with words. I can say what freedom is NOT! One day it dawned on me about this being a free country, in New York people go and visit the Statue of Liberty, not the Statue of Freedom. One thing is for certain, I savor the freedom to think outside the box.
Dominique said:
ReplyDeleteWhat registers immediately with me around this idea of freedom is that not
many folks know what it is. Freedom, as a word is invoked in a collective
American cultural experience. Quite often, freedom, is the stuff of songs
and marches and platforms. It is the thing that I always heard was what all
the fight was about in the Civil Rights Movement. It took me well into
adulthood to see the trickery in that. How erroneous and straight up
incorrect it is to suggest that Civil Rights was about freedom. What were
we actually lobbying for? Marching for? Being washed down the streets for?
Being bitten by police dogs for? It was not this thing called freedom but
when I was co-opting the language of those who preceded me, those all
around me, that is exactly what I thought it was. Freedom is, as an idea,
elusive. It is cloaked and too often ill-defined, and misrepresented. I am
still unpacking what it is. Etymology does not get me there quickly. I
still have to scratch at it. I am certain that I know it is not a thing
from without. I know it is a thing from within. I do not confuse liberty
with freedom anymore. Liberty is simple. Freedom? Well....freedom is a God
thang. And so too am I...
This thought needs to be in both threads: Was just asked one of those 'strange' questions, that have a way of showing up in the month with the least number of days. This is a Dumb question for real!
ReplyDeleteIf you are on the verge of allowing this sort of nonsense to become a projection, you may want to study about National Freedom Day.
I am sure that as you were growing up YOU were instructed about National Freedom Day---that this day is a holiday and all about the person that is said TO BE responsible for causing this event to take place---IF NOT---hope this helps. (B).
I must admit, I have never heard of National Freedom Day. I have heard more recently of Junteenth. Even among the the "A List" of names that are regurgitated every year during the month of February, the name of Richard Robert Wright Sr. has never been mentioned or noted. In the proclaimed land of the free, I do not even recall seeing the day observed on calendars.
DeleteMental masturbation will not allow the full orgasm that comes from the stimulant known as freedom.
I know with some certainty, if and when I am ever greeted with Amare amigo, I may be among someone who has an understanding of what freedom may be.
DeleteWhen in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation. (Declaration of Independence)
ReplyDeleteI read this again and had to ask, in the proclaimed land of the free, what would happen to anyone taking this approach today? Would one be allowed to go freely?